samantha mari*

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. - Albert Einstein

»December 2008 »October 2009 »November 2009 »December 2009 »January 2010 »February 2010 »March 2010 »April 2010 »March 2011
fresh start
12.31.2009 8:40 PM
2010 baby...
work life
12.28.2009 8:57 PM
JEEZ LOUUUUIIISSS, I have not been here in a minute! LOL I love that saying...even though it's ghetto as fuh, but yeah, I've been working non-stop and I'm hella tired. Oh well, it'll die down soon, it's just 'cause the holidays are crazy-ness! Especially with all these sales going on. Aritzia's been good to me, I love working there! But I'm scared that I'm going to be blowing half my pay cheques on clothes! Haha. Okay well I really have no time to blog anymore let alone use the computer or anything else 'cause I practically work the whole day and when I come home, I'm so tired that I just go straight to bed. BLAH. ANYHOOS, the boo is here. Laters.

it's been a min...
12.18.2009 2:04 PM
HEY YA'LL, I haven't blogged in a minute. Shiets. Okay I'm in the library at school waiting for the clock to hit 3 so I can get to class and do my cotdang LAST exam of semester 2, bupbup. I'm starving and I have no cash on me, ftw. Anyways I'm too lazy to blog right now, just thought I'd give a mini update, hehee, I'm sucha slacker. OKAY PEACE.
12.04.2009 12:39 AM
This was supposed to be my blog for wednesday haha:

Last month of the year....December is always a good month except the fact that its major crunch time with school! Goodness...this year went by pretty fast I must say, it was a good year for me :) and I'm pretty sure that next year will be a GOOD year! I know ittt!! I'm turning 20! Oh goosssh, then my one year anniversary with babe :) WOOHOOO, I'm excited for next year...

Anyways, I'm on the train blogging on my blackberry which I am going to post once I get signal! Hahaha, I'm on my way to work, they called me this morning asking if I wanted to work 12-6...knowing I have no school I'm like "heck yes!" Even though I was still hella sleepy! Haha whatever it takes to make money, ya knaaww? Shieeeet! I just hope I still have my selling skills and techniques haha.

OH! Babe and I made the greatest cantonese chow mein last night. Oh jeeeeez, it was soooo gooood for our first attempt and it was an epic success!! Haha I love cooking with babe, we always make yummy stuff :) haha, I love you booooo!!

Okidokis, well, almost approaching my station! Okay byyyyeee!